Real Estate Investing Advice For Turning 1 Home Into $8,000,000

Libby Kane of Business Insider has an excellent article, Twin brothers who turned a single house into nearly $8 million of property. She writes...

The twins, who were in their late 20s at the time, had both been working in commercial banking and noticed a trend among the tax returns they analyzed: The people with the highest net worth owned real estate.

Looking at one portfolio in particular, Chris remembers seeing that the client owned a handful of single family properties. "There was a house for sale two doors down from the one he owned," Chris remembers. "We were like, 'We might not be the smartest guys in the world, but we can figure it out.'"

You can find all 9 tips the brothers share in the rest of the article. Definitely some actionable advice for anyone looking to get into real estate investing. Read the Whole Article