Preparing Your Vacation Home for Hurricane Season

With the start of the 2017 hurricane season almost here and the potential to impact the entire East Coast from Philadelphia home owners to those vacationing in places like the Outer Banks, it's important to be prepared. This article from Money Q and A provides some great insight into getting yourself prepared for a hurricane and not just being sure your home is properly insured before hurricane season.

How to How To Prepare Your Home For Hurricane Season Right Now!

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season predictions call for 11 named storms – four hurricanes, two of which are estimated to be major ones. While a slower season is expected, there is an increase in historic-level storms, floods, and fires that cause massive devastation. Hurricanes activity is up 80% since 1980.

The increased activity is one of the main reasons why a preparedness plan has become so essential. But, so many don’t take the time to put together a thorough plan that protects their family.

Hurricanes are unpredictable. You need to have your finances in order as the heart of hurricane season approaches in September. Now is the time to prepare your finances for the hurricane season.

Additional Supplies and Provisions

After Hurricane Hugo in 1989, my family and I were without power for almost a week. I can remember walking through our neighborhood and all of the neighbors cooking food before it spoiled on their barbeque grills. I ate a lot of free hamburgers and hot dogs in the neighborhood that week.

My parents were fortunate. Cousins from the upstate where we stayed to ride out the storm lent us a portable gas generator to use when we got home.

It’s also a good idea to have plenty of non-perishable food and water set-aside for every member of your family in the case of a hurricane. Don’t forget about your pets’ food and water too.

Another item that many people forget about is cash. If the power is out for an extended period of time, you could find it near impossible to use a credit card or get cash out of an ATM. You should consider having a small stockpile of cash in the event of an emergency. Maybe you keep a small portion of your emergency fund at home in a fireproof safe in cash.